Avenged Sevenfold Unveil Great Reward After Internet Scavenger Hunt

So the 3-year wait and the teasing have all finally paid off! Avenged Sevenfold have announced that their sixth studio album “Hail to the King” will be released on August 27th, 2013. The band will also be performing a free “special, one of a kind” show at the Hollywood Palladium the day before. But it wasn’t so easy as just stumbling upon this information, the fans had to work for it. Take an in-depth look at what it took to arrive with this incredible reward!



It all started with a photo posted to Instagram with a phone number. The fans, like me, mostly were scared to call it, however I did and got through. A female voice on the other line said “We’re sorry but you have reached a number that is no longer working. For more information please visit The Seventh Lair Customer Service”. Upon arriving at that page, we receive the first part of the artwork and our next clue:

clue 1

We’ve always known we have the world’s most dedicated fans, but this award solidified that fact in 2012.  Look down the barrel of a gun to find your next clue.

It took a bit of searching, but after finding the winner’s of this past year’s “Revolver Golden God Awards” I found a Deathbat, the infamous logo of Avenged Sevenfold, right below the winners. Upon clicking it, we were brought to our next clue

clue 2

Your most reliable source for European tour dates.

I have to admit, this one stumped me a bit. But then I thought “Most reliable source? That has to be Deathbat News” and the search was on. It took a bit of digging but once I found their most recent European tour dates, I found the same Deathbat from the last clue. I knew I had arrived where I needed to be and thus was given this.

Clue 3

On August 26th, we’ll descend on this world-famous LA venue for a special, one of a kind show for fans to thank you and celebrate with you the release of our new album…

Now there are many world-famous LA venue’s, but some digging found that they were talking about none other than the Hollywood Palladium! They don’t have an official site, so I took to facebook to see if they had a page. Sure enough they did and the first post I see is our final clue:

final clue

oury fnali dseitanoin edhis erhe:

Now..this one stumped me the most, but I was not ready to give up just yet. Upon finally managing to unscramble the letters, I was left with this message “Your final destination hides here: HAILTOTHEKING”

Now, with this final clue figured out, I had to do some recapping. Then I remembered this one simple clue that the band accidentally posted a few weeks ago “All Hail The True King, Andronikos” So I decided to try a few different things. I tried hailtotheking.com, to no avail. I tried theseventhlair.com/hailtotheking, still nothing. Finally, I decided to think out of the box a bit and try avengedsevenfold.com/hailtotheking, where I was met with success! Upon arriving at the page, I was met with the artwork release date and title of the new Avenged Sevenfold album! This is what I saw:


“New album out August 27, 2013. FREE SHOW to celebrate the album release at the Hollywood Palladium on August 26th. Details coming soon…”

So there you have it folks, the artwork, title and release date of this monumental album have all been released and we only have to wait a mere 2 months! Now to wait for the new single!