Crazy Love Hawk Releases Music Video
Oklahoma easycore/happy hardcore band Crazy Love Hawk have just released their first official music video. The video for “Where’s My Super Suit?,” which is taken from their debut album Keep Moving Forward, can be streamed HERE. “[Super Suit] is a song based on the character Mr. Incredible in the animated movie, The Incredibles. Every song on our full-length was written about a character from a Disney movie or other animated movie. We don’t just write straight forward about the plot of the movie,” said clean vocalist, Shaun Ladymon.
Shaun continues, “We hone in on a specific character, usually the main character, and try to see past what is obvious and bring out what is implied. When you see Mr. Incredible, you see strength, pride, struggle, and even vulnerability. Ironically, his character is a super hero who represents the average person. When Matt [screamer] and I wrote the lyrics, we inserted a battle cry for the average person who has a good heart and just wants to do what is right. Having these values isn’t a weakness. It has become my greatest strength.”
“Sometimes our greatest strength is not physical. Sometimes our greatest strength is only discovered when we have to use it against ourselves…but the music video has nothing to do with that. [laughs] We are a band full of jokers and all-around fun loving dudes. We take our music seriously, but when it comes down to it, we do this for fun. With this video, we really wanted to incorporate the people who have been with us from the beginning — our love hawks! CLH doesn’t have fans. We have family and friends! We wanted to give back to them by including them in something that was important to us. We thought, what better way to do that then to have a water balloon/water gun fight and water slide contest? So in this video, you’ll see us acting crazy and running around, shooting and throwing things at each other. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it!”