THE HATE CLUB Introduces Fans to Futuristic METALverse with Surreal, 3D Animated Music Video, “Sleepwalker”!
Dark Metal artist THE HATE CLUB ( Alex Poe) has revealed his unique interpretation of a metal heavy future with the release of a 3D, gaming themed music video for the most recent single, “Sleepwalker.” Produced by 50 Stars Cinema, featuring characters produced by METASTAR, “Sleepwalker” is off of the artist’s 10/6/2021 released PROLOGUE EP.
“We all create worlds in our heads. Welcome to mine. The idea was to put THC’s character into the virtual environment and create an unconventional music video for the metal scene.” – THE HATE CLUB
“To lay down the foundation The Hate Club’s choice to use a music video as the presentation of what THC’s METALverse might look like seems to be the most obvious move. There are several technologies capable of bringing the world of VR into every metalheads home, and one of them is Unreal Engine 5. A gaming engine that needs no introduction, its portfolio includes such monsters of the gaming industry as Fortnite, Street Fighter 5, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, Borderlands 3 and many more.
The music video for THC’s heavy hitter “Sleepwalker” is an amalgamation of his chaotic nature and aggressive sound all wrapped with next gen stunning visuals.
The Hate Club’s ambitious vision is at the core of everything that the artist does to bring a breath of fresh air into the metal scene.” – ENIGMA ONLINE
Click to Purchase / Stream “Sleepwalker” Online
THC is also gearing up to release his Unplugged EP, featuring acoustic versions of tracks from his 2020 released, Death of the Protagonist EP
“One of my fans told me that she and her friends were drunk yelling songs from THC’s first acoustic EP next to a bonfire recently. I want to give people more reasons to drunk yell next to a bonfire.” – THE HATE CLUB
The Hate Club is currently working on his debut LP, building a virtual reality city for metalheads and finishing a comic book, to be revealed in Spring 2022!
Track List:
1. Cerberus
2. Crusade
3. My Name is Legion
Pre-Save ‘Unplugged’ on Spotify!