Interview: Maxime Solemn



Initially, let me first apologize for the wait you’ve had to endure for these questions. I appreciate your patience and hope you have a blast answering my questions!

That’s no problem at all haha!

First of all, can you introduce yourself for our readers?

Hai! I’m Maxime Solemn, I’m a solo artist who combines metalcore with the violin and I’m 17 years old.

What led to the choice of your stage name?

This whole thing actually started of as me, making covers on YouTube. My Youtube name at that time was „Solemn Judgment” and I didn’t really want to let go of the whole name when introducing myself as an actual artist, so I kept the Solemn part. I think it has a rather mystical ring to it haha.

Why do you choose to do music on a solo basis, rather than starting a band?

Generally, I don’t like depending on others… Especially creatively.. I have been in some bands and I always felt really bad when an idea didn’t work out the way I wanted it to work out. Apart from that, those bands usually failed because members wouldn’t feel like showing up, et cetera… When you’re solo, you decide for yourself when to rehearse, when to write and when to record. And I really like that freedom.

What inspires the music that you write/put out?

Life in general. I’ve always found people interesting and wanted to know how someone thought something and why. So generally such deeper questions inspire me.

Do you have any formal training in terms of music appreciation or maybe some classical training from early years?

There actually are no early years whatsoever… I started playing the guitar, on my own, 2 years ago. Afterwards I went to violin class, but dropped out rather quickly, so 99% of what I do, is self-taught.

What do you hope that your fans (or potential fans) will take away from your music after hearing it?

Become better and happier people. I often see people wasting heaps of time, either discussing on facebook or hating on others for no apparent reason. I honestly think that this is a form of frustration and will never lead to an actual happy life. So I really want to encourage my fans to not ever do that. But rather focus on their own and others’ happiness. As hippie as that may sound haha.

Do you have any new music (or possibly an album) in the works and, if so, how far are you into that process?

I’m currently working on a new album. It’ll have 12 tracks, of which one has been released already (Damage).
Right now I’m in the „early production stage”. I’ve got all the ideas, melodies and structures written down, recorded or in my head and now I just have to mold those into actual coherent songs.

Have you had any offers from labels who wanted to secure your talents?

Apart from the fake ones that just want to leech on people with stars in their eyes, no.

What is your favorite part about being a solo musician?

Creative independence.

What led you to decide to pursue a career in music?

This is probably an unusual story, but here goes; Two years ago, I had a friend, an amazing guitarist by the way, who claimed he could see wether people could be musicians, by looking in their eyes. So just for laughs, I asked him to check mine and he said I couldn’t be a musician…
But I’m stubborn. And because of that, I bought a second-hand junk guitar and learned to play it, just to prove that I could do it. After a few weeks, I was completely addicted and just couldn’t stop.

What bands influence you most when you write music?

I don’t think any specific bands influence me. I’m a huge fan of As I Lay Dying and All That Remains, but I don’t really hear any influences of them in my songs. I usually come up with a melody and build from that. There isn’t really a moment where I go like „What would ***** do here?”, I just write what feels right to me.

If you were to collaborate with someone, who would you want it to be and why?

It’s really hard to pick just one person, given the fact that I’m trying to combine 2 specific genres. I’d say Hans Zimmer and Joey Sturgis. I think the sheer power of Sturgis’ productions and the epic huge feeling of Zimmer’s productions could lead to amazing things.

What’s the oddest story (fan-related or otherwise) you have since starting your solo career?

It’s not really odd or fan-related, but back when I had the idea „I want to be a musician”, I really looked up to Etienne Sin, because he was completely solo and doing everything by himself. And in a very short period of time, I actually got the chance to collaborate with him and I think that’s really cool.

In terms of touring: If you were to go on a national tour, who would you want to support you (or possibly you support) and why?

I’d love to have variety in the show. So I’d say; Asking Alexandria and Nightwish as bands. And Jason Yang as the violinist for my songs, as I’m screaming my lungs out haha

Thank you for your patience in getting these questions, I know it must have been kind of off-putting or frustrating. Is there anything else you would like to say to our readers, your fans and the general public?

I’d like to thank everyone for the huge support so far and get stoked for my new album which doesn’t have a title yet!

Check out Maxime Solemn’s video for “Damage” and visit him on his Social Media platforms which you can see below:

 Facebook (Fan/Artist Page)