JCO and Tranzik Jester Let You Into Their SiKC Myndz

Our very own Jared Cox, aka JCO, has returned with his new music video for “SiKC Myndz” which features local legend KC Luigi and Tranzik Jester. The video was shot by Tristen Lang of Tristen Lang Productions and edited by JCO and shows a darker, more demented side of this young prodigy from KC. Think you’ve got the stomach for it? Watch below at your own risk: 

JCO’s new song “SiKC Myndz (feat. Tranzik Jester)” available now!

Download for FREE: http://tinyurl.com/DownloadSiKCMyndz
Shot by Tristen Lang

Starring: Angie Rude and KC Luigi
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