LIONHEART Say Welcome (Back) To the West Coat [NEWS]

In case you’ve been sleeping under a rock, you’re probably aware that last year, one of the West Coast’s most driving and aggressive heavy hardcore outfits called it a day. I’m speaking, of course, of Lionheart.

If you’re just now hearing this, then don’t be glum–because the boys are back with plans to release an insane new album through heavy music heavy-hitters, FastBreak! and BDHW Records, who are also responsible for acts like Nasty, These Streets, Desolated and many more.

If you’re sick of hearing me whine on and on, then hit the link for “Trial By Fire,” and keep scrolling to pre-order the album now! With a November release and a tour lined up with Get the Shot and Nasty throughout Europe, it’ll be like Lionheart never missed a beat(down).







Connor Welsh