Mini-Review: From Ashes to New – Teaser

Album Art

Artist: From Ashes to New
Album: 2013 Teaser/Demo
Rating: 5/5
It’s not often these days that you catch a metal band that mixes rap in with their material and actually sounds good. From Ashes to New are a breath of fresh air to that fact. I actually found the band through some random searching on YouTube and I was absolutely taken aback by what I heard. I wanted more instantly, so I shot an email over to their vocalist, Matthew Brandyberry who was kind enough to set me up with a review. From Ashes to New makes music that is fit to listen to in your darkest times as a pick me up. The 3 songs I received, “Destruction of Myself”, “Live Again” and “My Fight” were beyond anything I was already expecting from this band. I’m not a fan of rap, but FATN have made me love their bizarre mix of rap metal. If I had to lichen them to any other band, I would probably say Hollywood Undead but a more mature, better version. The non-rap vocals remind me of Chester Bennington of Linkin Park to an extent. The screams, however, are on a whole different level. This is definitely one of those bands you want to keep an eye on as they progress. Their debut EP will be released this Fall and will feature these songs as well as a couple more. Check the songs out below and go tell em what you think!

From Ashes to New on Facebook

“Destruction of Myself”

“My Fight”

“Live Again”