Review: Versus Me – Continuous

Artist: Versus Me
Album: Continuous 
Label: Independent

When it comes to being in a band, let’s face it… there are many struggles associated. One of the biggest struggles comes with the departure of a founding/distinct voice in the band. For Janesville’s Versus Me, this obstacle was faced when Alesana guitarist, Pat Thompson, left the band in early 2017 to focus his attention fully on Alesana. While there was a period of uncertainty, unclean vocalist James Milbrandt stepped up to the plate and took on full vocal duties. Armed with a new line-up of Milbrandt, his brother Lee (bass), JJ Johnson (drums) and Dustin Hansen (guitar), the band charged forward at full speed. Of course, being an independent band, they had to come up with funds to create their next album and so they reached out to fans via an IndieGoGo campaign. After the campaign ended, they had reached an impressive 64% of their $10,000 goal. This allowed them to take a big bite out of the associated costs that come with releasing a new album. Thus, Continous was born and is set for release on September 13th.

While their roots sit heavy in post-hardcore/metalcore, experimentation and evolution are a natural part of growth within a band. Comprised of pop-influenced hooks, arena-ready anthems and straight, metalcore bangers, this album contains only a sample of what these guys are capable of. Each track builds and breaks, leaving the listener both emotionally-invested and breathless from singing along. Giving fans an initial taste of what to expect, they released “Not Going Back.” It seemed like it would be nothing more than a stand-alone single, at first but when placed into the album, it fits perfectly. Coming in much later, it provides an interesting dichotomy between the heavier, more explosive side of the band and the ballad-like croons that Milbrandt is capable of. Much of the album explores the heavier, grittier side of the band that fans have come to love but Milbrandt throws surprises at every corner. Just when a track becomes predictable, the mood totally changes and you’re left both impressed and scratching your head trying to figure out what just happened.

Continuous is a middle finger to everyone out there who said that they wouldn’t make it past the first album. It’s a natural evolution that shows just how driven, passionate and hard-working these guys are. It’s a “thank you” to the fans who helped make it possible and for sticking out with them for so long. Beyond everything, though, it’s a testament to the tenacity that they share and proof that they can get through anything thrown at them. The only question left? When will they be in a town near you? Pick up your copy of Continuous and keep your eyes peeled for the answer, undoubtedly sooner than later!

Versus Me on Social Media:
Official Store | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Stream/Buy Continous 
Apple Music | Spotify

“Give Me a Reason” (Official Music Video)

“Heavy Breathing” (Official Music Video)

“Far Behind” (Official Audio)

“Not Going Back” (Official Audio)