REVIEW: Joel Faviere – “Nobody – EP” (2013)


Artist:  Joel Faviere [Facebook]

Album:  “Nobody – EP”


  1. Sweetie
  2. He’s Not Different
  3. White Mercedes
  4. Stupid & Anxious
  5. Heaven Is a Place On Her
  6. I’m Fucking Crazy, But You’re the One Who Made Me

Joel Faviere, after his brief time in Get Scared, is back to his solo-career, and not starting off too badly – at all.  Already signed to a record label and releasing, soon, a new solo album, Joel is coming out strong this year, a one-man force to be reckoned with!  Joel and his assortment of instruments, usually including an acoustic guitar and / or piano, are the perfect combination and are what make this young man’s music so excellent and pleasing to the ears.  Here, in this EP released quite recently, Joel is accompanied by only his piano, performing acoustic tracks of both new and already previously released songs.  Anyways, without further ado, here’s my review of Joel Faviere’s “Nobody – EP”:

The Good:

Throwing out good vibes and good tunes; “Nobody” is absolutely filled to the brim with cheery and catchy sounds.  Joel’s piano playing just warms your heart and keeps you in its warm embrace, keeping you held in throughout the entire playthrough of the EP.  As one would assume, Joel’s lyrical skills haven’t faded either.  One would expect, considering his time in Get Scared, a band with not-so-cheery lyrics, and the fact it was quite short-lived, that his lyrics would have, now, become more “dark” or “upset,” but Joel has not faltered!  Though he does bring out a more emotional side at times, in some instances, he, for the most part, remains positive and cheery, delivering to his fans smiles on all of their faces!  Also, the quality of this EP is beyond good – surprising, since Joel, out of the blue, decided to release it completely free to his fans and all who may come across him and his music.

The Bad:

Truly, the only real “bad” side of this EP is that it’s mostly made up of acoustic versions of already released tracks – this takes away the hope for more content, the content that his fans so very much want, but will have to wait longer for.  Not really a “big deal,” though, because this little, miniscule problem is made up for entirely.


This EP takes Joel’s music for a spin – a small change from some of his other music.  Though he is familiar with the use of the piano in his music, the way his vocals are performed seemed just a bit more… Raw, but in a good way.  This is a young man with quite an amazing voice, and to hear it untouched by any producer or music studio is great, because the result is him at his best.  The only problem found in this EP isn’t even enough to truly bother anyone, but at least needed to be pointed out.

Stand-Out Track:

“Stupid & Anxious”:  This song is different from most of the EP, because, for the most part, this is a happy and cheery collection of tunes, but this song is darker and full of more sadness than the rest.  This shows a more vulnerable, more honest Joel – him at his weakest moments, revealing just how he really feels, and it’s sad to see how torn up he has been, but, from what can be told from the other tracks, he’s getting better and should definitely be looking forward to his obviously bright future.


This is such a sweet and relaxing EP, with a sound so surprisingly good you’d think he’d had at least a few producers go over it before its release.  It comes as even more of a surprise that this EP is completely free of charge, which, in turn, makes Joel quite the admirable young man – more concerned for his fans than for his own wallet, a remarkable trait.  Joel’s EP, “Nobody,” was released on January fifteenth, and is available to listen through his YouTube, the link for which is easily accessible through a link on his Facebook wall, and he has said that he’ll be making it available for download soon.  Enjoy!

Rating:  9.8 / 10

For Fans Of:  Get Scared, Craig Owens, Never Shout Never