Review: Newsted – Heavy Metal Music
Artist: Newsted
Album: Heavy Metal Music
Rating: 9/10
Jason Newsted is finally back with a new band that’s melting faces off worldwide! For those of you who are unaware, Newsted is the former bassist for a little band called Metallica. After leaving the band, Newsted cleaned up his act and started his own band. The result? Newsted. Their debut album “Heavy Metal Music” speaks for itself through the title, but it’s more than just that. Newsted knew he had something to prove with this new band and he has done just that. The album, being a lengthy endeavor, never ceases with the gritty riffs, raspy vocals, humming bass lines and perfectly in-time drum beats. The thing that surprised me the most about this album was that I kind of expected to feel some Metallica in there from Jason’s past, however there are no hints whatsoever. This is what makes the album so great. It’s original, it’s incredible, it’s loud and in your face, and it will piss off your neighbors when you blast it at a high volume as it was destined to be. The lead single from the album, “Above All”, is the epitome of what this album is about. They also released another track “Heroic Dose” for free download. Starting off heavy and transitioning perfectly from track to track, “Heavy Metal Music” is an album that won’t find you skipping tracks, like most people tend to do. Every track is a masterpiece, every track leads perfectly into the next and lyrically, Newsted can do no wrong. The album touches on subjects like drug abuse, relationships and even the occult in such a manner that only could be done by this band. Vocally, Jason’s voice feels like a cross between Wednesday 13 and Edsel Dope: Gritty, loud but with a sinister edge to them. Pick up your copy of “Heavy Metal Music” when it hits stores August 6th and find out why heavy metal will never die!