Review: Pyro, Ohio – Did I Mention I’m A Hypocrite? (Single)

Artist: Pyro, Ohio
Album: Did I Mention I’m A Hypocrite? – Single
Label: Independent

It’s been interesting to watch VA’s Pyro, Ohio grow in the short time I’ve known about them. Their last EP, Before the Sun Sets, was truly aural bliss. So what’s next for them? Well… they’ve been hard at work on what will be their self-released sophomore outing, for starters. To give you a little taste, they’re poised and ready to drop their new single/video titled “Did I Mention I’m A Hypocrite?”.

This four-and-a-half minute beauty shows just how much they’ve grown in sound. They’ve always had an impressive air about them, there’s no doubt about that but this track is so much more cohesive, destructive and angst-driven than a lot of their previous material. Starting out incredibly slow, we quickly take a turn into just what makes this 5-piece outfit a diamond in the rough. While the majority of the single is filled with vocalist Peter Verity’s clean vocals, the track itself is incredibly riff-driven. Stephen Noel and Jake Whalen are the shining stars in this one, throwing out one killer riff after another and finishing it off with some destructive breakdowns, led in by Verity’s emotional and gut wrenching screams. Of course, you can’t have a great post-hardcore book like this without the spine, spearheaded by drummer Mike McGrady and bassist Daniel McClanahan.

If you were ever a fan of Pyro, Ohio before this… you will be smitten after hearing “Did I Mention I’m A Hypocrite?”. I can’t wait to hear what comes next for these guys! Be sure to check out the single/video when it drops later today and drop ’em a like on Facebook!