REVIEW: Far From Nothing – Redemption [2013]


Band: Far From Nothing

Album: Redemption


Pain is inevitable in life, while this is often associated with negative emotions and things you don’t want to happen; some people enjoy being beaten or love to watch others being hurt in the most brutal ways imaginable. This is also the case with the debut EP release of Texan band Far From Nothing that bears the name ”Redemption”, which delivers an utter annihilating but oh so blissful and addictive experience for the listener. With the first track ”Judas” the raw vocals and flesh cutting guitars quickly get the message that this band tries to make across: hate-filled lyrics and constantly erupting spikes of instrumental rage that serve to either shatter you to pieces or to raise your blood pressure to exploding hot levels. While ”Redemption” is a straight forward freight train of aggression throughout, it never gets boring or tedious because of the Death Metal and Deathcore elements added to the concrete layer of Hardcore and the variable up/down-tempo grooves. Another reason for this multi-layered sound to work so well is the fact that Far From Nothing has an extra guitarist in their midst, allowing for an extra focussed assault or a dividing formation with more atmosphere.

If you are looking for some hard hitting Hardcore/Deathcore you need not look further, while it does not try to reinvent the wheel,”Redemption” more than makes up for it with its towering hate and tireless energy that gets the crowd moving. Don’t miss out on the fun and let these 5 behemoths stomp you to a bloody pulp with this solid debut release, you will love every second of it.

Rating: 9.5/10

For fans of: The Acacia Strain, Remassacre, Shinto Katana, I Am, This City Ignites