SINGLE REVIEW: Vera – “All Lost” [2015]


Artist: Vera

“All Lost” – Single


It’s only when you’ve lost everything that you find what’s most important–at least that is certainly the case with Tennessee Titans Vera, and their aptly named single, “All Lost.” A remarkably talented band who’s past release have been plagued by either unfocused son structure or spotty production, “All Lost” puts this crushing quartet under a brand new light–one that proudly displays their ability to craft precise, punishing heaviness with a distinctive catchy flair that sets them apart from the pack.

“All Lost” is an intense, instrumental whirlwind that floods the listener’s head with bouncy, explosive heaviness from start to finish. Vera hit the listener like a wrecking ball made out of rubber–crushing, fast, but elastic, making each grooving, gut wrenching breakdown hurt more than the last. “All Lost” is still very much the cutthroat and aggressive Vera that crafted Lesser  Life, simply more focused and highly refined–without sounding overproduced. Where Vera’s previous offerings were slightly washy and didn’t do the band’s marvelous musicianship justice, “All Lost” is crystal clear, leaving no part of Vera’s vicious dynamic unheard. Pounding, immense drums lead the way, paving a flat, firm path for both guitar and bass to run amok on, as the vocals screech and soar overhead, crashing earthward only to floor the listener with fierce lows that highlight the track’s most brutal moments. If “All Lost” is the sound of Vera losing control, then I sincerely doubt the listener will want them to rediscover it for their upcoming full length.


For Fans Of: Vilis, Barrier, Victims, Kingmaker

By: Connor Welsh