New Transcendence
Transcending Music Journalism Since 2011
Tag: H2O studios
OHP Gives Gives “Heaven” a Dark Edge with #MetalCover of BRYAN ADAMS Hit Rock Classic!
Antoinette Christian 0 Bands, Classic Rock, Genre, Metal, Pop, Rap/Hip-Hop, Singles, Video,
Israel born and LA based heavy rock artist OHP (OREN HALMUT) has lifted BRYAN ADAMS 1984 hit single "Heaven"...
OHP Proves that Being “Sweet But Psycho” isn’t Just for Pop!
Antoinette Christian 0 Bands, Genre, Metal, Rock, Singles, Video,
Israel born and LA based heavy rock artist OHP (OREN HALMUT) revealed his newest masterpiece in metal...
OHP Twists AMY WINHOUSE Pop Classic “Rehab” into Heavy Metal Anthem!
Antoinette Christian 0 Bands, Classic Rock, Genre, Metal, Singles, Video,
Israel born and LA based heavy rock artist OHP (OREN HALMUT) has unleashed his newest, metal cover...
OHP Releases Metal Cover Of BILLIE EILISH Hit Single, “Bad Guy”!
Antoinette Christian 0 Bands, Genre, Hard Rock, Metal, Rock, Singles, Video,
Israel born and LA based heavy rock artist OHP (OREN HALMUT) has released his newest music video...