New Transcendence Welcomes Ethan “TheBeard” Newell

As the submissions keep rolling in, we’ve chosen 2 perfect candidates as new additions to the staff here at NT. The first, Ethan Newell, is a well-known name among the Lawrence/Kansas City music scene. Owner of promotion company, MakeItSick Productions, he’s got his foot in the door to the music industry. He also has several music-related charities in the works: KnowHope, the first that he has announced, is a charity for suicide awareness, inspired by Garret Rapp of The Color Morale and fueled by life experience. Be on the look out for his first review for Bring Me The Horizon’s newest single, “Drown”, a little later today!

“I’m Bearded. I’m fluffy, and I’m awesome. Enough said”